Benefits 15-19
  1. Illustrates a cash flow time line that corresponds to goals and family vision
  2. Which planning tool are best for you? There are more than 100 common planning tools, many of which are summarized in the books at and Choosing the right tools begins with looking at what cash flow is needed for your Financial Independence, your Family Legacy, and your Social Capital Legacy.

    Planning can focus on your Financial Independence and Family Legacy, but everyone must decide whether to fund the Social Capital Legacy through Taxes or Charitable Gifts
  3. Proven on hundreds of cases developed for clients with net worths ranging from $1 Million to over $1 Billion.
  4. Displays benefits of each case with tables and bar charts
  5. Integrates cash flows into a year-by-year “sources and uses of cash” and liability summaries
  6. Shows reinvestment of surplus cash each year to project amount available for heirs at the death of Generation 1 and also during the lifetime of G2 and/or G3.
650 Town Center Drive
Suite 890, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Phone: (800) 447-7090; Fax: (866) 447-7090